Amina: The Perpetual Third Wheel

Did you know that if you rearrange the letters in my name you get the word "mania?" Well, if you didn't, you do now. Basically, I'm the crazy one here, or at least that's what they'll try to convince you of. I'm not crazy, I just get bored very easily and do strange things to ease that boredom. I mean, who doesn't like to mess with other people's heads?  Expect blogging, vlogging and straight up rants from me.

Perpetual Third Wheel?
I am the perpetual third wheel to M&N, the twins. I probably spend 90% of my socially devoted time hanging out/speaking with at least one of these two, if not more. Nadine talks me out of doing stupid things (at least she tries) and Melissa does stupid things with me.

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